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Arts & Culture Finance Case Studies

Find out how our social investment funds have supported cultural and creative organisations across the UK.

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The art-focused community cafe will use the loan to expand its offer across two new sites.

Birmingham Royal Ballet

The ballet company used a loan to re-imagine its iconic production of The Nutcracker for alternative venues.


The Arts Impact Fund offered the educational arts charity a £600,000 credit facility to purchase and develop property.


Can’t Sit Still is a small, innovative theatre company from the South West. The organisation will use its investment to scale up their stage adaptation of the award winning children’s book Oh No, George!


The School used a bridging loan to provide working capital to open its new London premises in Paris Gardens.


Creative Land Trust addresses the rapid loss of affordable workspace for artists and makers in London, targeting improved financial stability and wellbeing of artists and makers, enhanced sense of place amongst local communities and systemic change in the provision of long-term affordable creative workspace.


The sector support organisation launched the Emerge Festival, a new collection of museum lates held over one weekend.


A new centre for developing diverse young talent in dance and music, driven by a collaborative partnership with UD.


The loan will allow the organisation to grow the team, explore commercialising their IP to build different revenue streams and enable them to take advantage of new opportunities.


The Bradford-based arts organisation used investment to launch a pioneering residential arts training programme.


The socially-driven music enterprise used a loan to purchase a building which will serve as a community music venue and skills hub.


The arts and mental health charity is using its loan to extend its therapeutic interventions in custodial settings beyond its own community in the North of England.


The prison-based record label is using its loan to extend its services from behind bars to ongoing support upon release.


The leading African & Caribbean dance theatre company is using its loan to create a modern and well-resourced centre for degree students and the local community.


Key Changes is an arts and health charity that promotes positive mental health through music. The organisation will use its investment to scale its existing music engagement and recovery programme in secure mental health units and the wider community.


Establishment of a new post production facility in Sheffield, benefiting under-represented local creatives.

Image credits:

Image courtesy of Bow Arts Trust. Find out more about our work with the organisation here.