Arts & Culture Finance is now part of Figurative

Partner With Us

Help us build a thriving cultural and creative sector as a funder, investor or other expert partner.

Our priority is to find core funding partnerships, investors in our impact-first investment funds, and funders for our programmes that will develop the sector’s impact and innovation capabilities.

Our Partners

Why Partner With Us?

We want to work with a wide range of partners and organisations to support impact, investment and innovation in the cultural and creative sector. Here’s how we might be able to help: 

  • You might be a grant funder or philanthropist interested in allocating a portion of your endowment to impact investing in the cultural sector. We can help upskill your board and team, develop an investment framework and help you make investment decisions.
  • You might be a public funder of the cultural and creative sector interested in convening stakeholders from the commercial, philanthropic and cultural sectors to explore how to drive new investment capital into the sector. We can share insight from our investment and philanthropy teams and help you connect across different fields.
  • You might be an arts organisation seeking investment to achieve your ambitions. We can explore whether impact investment or our innovation and philanthropy programmes can enable your plans.
  • You might be a grant funder or philanthropist interested in funding particular initiatives or outcomes in the sector, or addressing a challenge you have identified. We can design and implement an innovation programme to support your aims, either on a commissioned basis or as a collaboration.
  • You might be a sector support organisation aiming to connect cultural and creative sector organisations with funding and resources. We can provide a pipeline of investment capital and wider connections.
  • You might be a corporate interested in developing partnerships with the cultural sector. We can connect you with innovative organisations aligned with your values.

We are always on the lookout for new opportunities to collaborate. If you are interested in our work and would like to discuss a potential partnership, please get in touch.

Our Credentials

Key backers

Our long-term partners, including leading impact investors and cultural funders, have provided start-up funding for Figurative. We are endorsed and capitalised.

Track record

We have proven expertise in investing, as well as in programme design, fundraising and delivery in the specific context of the cultural and creative sector.

Innovation pedigree

As a project incubated within Nesta, the UK’s innovation agency for social good, we have innovation pedigree and draw on deep expertise.

Strong networks

We have strong networks and credibility in the spheres of culture, finance and impact, and are seen as a trusted facilitator.

Adaptive and flexible

As a small team with close stakeholder relationships, we can be adaptive to sector needs and act quickly to seize opportunities and solve problems.


Our standalone nature and charitable status mean we can act as an independent facilitator, addressing some of the power dynamic challenges in the sector.

Sophisticated models

We have extensive experience of designing and managing complex multi-stakeholder investment partnerships and funding models.

Impact focus

We place impact at the heart of our projects, gathering compelling evidence to advocate for more purpose-driven funding and investment in the sector.

Image credits:

Birmingham Royal Ballet. Photo by Andrew Ross. Find out more about our work with the organisation here.